Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bathroom Break

My apologies if the top panel is a bit hard to read. Bathroom Break is based on events that took place while my husband and I were out to dinner with some friends of ours. It was a strange evening, to say the least. For some unknown reason our waitress was a bit annoyed with us from the time we sat down. We were polite, well behaved, and very low maintenance. It may have started when the waitress asked Dee (I'm not using real names here) to see her ID when we ordered our drinks. We were razzing Dee a little bit and I think it made the very young waitress uncomfortable. About an hour and a half or so into our dining experience Dee went to use the ladies room. When she arrived back to our table, Dee informed us that there was an over served patron getting sick in the ladies room. This brought the topic of conversation to bathroom stories which prompted me to go use the ladies room. I walked to the other side of the restaurant where the bathrooms were and the frantic hostess blocked me from entering. I really had to go so I asked if I could use the men's room. That shocked the bus boy and the hostess a little bit. "Are you serious?" was written all over their faces. I thought it was funny. The hostess - not so much. The bus boy said I could use the ladies room and he would clean up the mess when I came out. The hostess wasn't too happy about letting me in, but she did rather reluctantly. While I was doing my business, I thought these people need to lighten up a bit and the light bulb went on. Wouldn't it be funny if I told them I clogged the other toilet? No, I can't do that. But it would be so funny. No. No. Aw, what the hell? It should lighten things up a bit. I finished drying my hands, put on my 'I don't feel so well' face and walked out the door. The hostess, a waitress, and the bus boy were all standing there waiting. I looked right at them and said, "I'm sorry, but I clogged the other toilet". The waitress busted out laughing, the hostess was horrified, and the bus boy was about to fall over in a fit of laughter. I smiled and said, "Easy now, I was kidding". The hostess was still processing what just happened and I decided I should go back to our table, quickly. When I returned to our table I shared my bathroom story and we all laughed. Our waitress cut us off about 15 minutes later and offered to pay for a cab to take us home. We were all pretty shocked seeing as though the most alcohol consumed by a person in our group was 3 drinks. I only had 2. Maybe I played a joke on the wrong person? Maybe they were freaked out by the over-served patron who got sick in the ladies room earlier? Who knows? We laughed it off, paid our bill, and politely left. I really like the restaurant we went to. We've never had a problem there before. I'll just wait a while before I return.