Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

I had a very nice Mother's Day. Justin was working and Kayla had spent the night at Grandma's house. Ryan  slept in which meant I got to sleep in. That was delightful! Grandma brought Kayla home and we picked up my oldest son, Chase, from his dad's house and the four of us went to Chili's for lunch. It was a lot of fun. I'm very lucky to have three polite, smart, loving, witty, and funny kids. They grow up so fast and it's so cool to see them becoming their own person(s). Justin came home in time for dinner. So we all sat down, ate pizza, and watched the movie, Brave. What an awesome movie! I highly recommend it. It was a nice touch for Mother's Day. As Mojo says, it's time to get a grip and get back to the grind. I hope you all have a great Monday!


  1. Coffee grind?
    Sounds like a wonderful day! My son, DIL and I took my mom out for brunch at a place my DIL's family owns. Didn't have to eat for the rest of the day.

  2. Ha! The every day grind :) Oh, brunches are the best! Sounds like your family had a nice Mother's Day too :)
