Wednesday, March 27, 2013


A friend of mine, whom we refer to as The Queen Beave, started Beaverfest quite a few years ago. It started out with around 8 ladies (I think) and grew to around 40. I'm sure you're wondering what in the heck Beaverfest is? Well, it's a Girls Day/Night out on the Chain of Lakes. Our sausages (husbands/boyfriends) drop us off at the train station where we board our rented school bus (no drinking and driving allowed) that takes us and our coolers filled with goodies to the boat rental place. Once there, we load up the pontoon boats with our coolers and our beavers. As I stated above, there is no drinking and driving allowed so each pontoon boat has a male driver (skipper). I think there was a waiting list for those positions. Anywho, after leaving the dock the drivers would take us bar hopping on the lake. We'd hit the sand bar before our final destination, Blarney Island (google it). Once our time is up, we head back to the boat place, hop on the bus, and head back to the train station where our sausages are waiting to pick us up. It is the best time ever!

One year Queen Beave had banners made with Beaverfest and the slogan 'If you don't have one you can't come' written on them. It was great! We got lots of cheers from the fellow boaters that year. It's been about 4 years since the last Beaverfest. Maybe this cartoon will revive the beavers!!


  1. Super story. Let me know if there's a revival. I'll be waiting with a cooler @ Blarney Island.

    1. Ha! I'm glad you like the story. Blarney's is a fun place. You should check it out on a Thursday night. They have boat races and there are lots of ladies with lots of skin. It's probably better than Beaverfest, lol! But I'll let you know if we have a revival :)

  2. Lauri, please pass this story on to your daughter. If anything, she and her friends can start their own Beaverfest or make up their own crazy name, lol! It is a lot of fun for a girls outing. I think our Queen Beaver will be remain retired and so far no other Beaver has stepped up to take over the planning. The German Girl(90%) in me knows she would have the best time. You remind me of my father-in-law when you talk about enjoying a cruise of this nature. He always asked if he could be a driver. He and I were like kindred spirits. He appreciated my sense of humor and bluntness as does my husband. The apple didn't fall far from the tree with them. :)Unfortunately he passed away 3 years ago from Melanoma. He would have loved my cartoons. :) Thanks for unknowingly reminding me of some fond memories of him. It put a smile on my face.
